I am just starting my second week of training for the half marathon. Today's run was not so great. Yesterday's run rocked my socks off, and last week's were pretty good too. I worked today, so that's probably part of the reason why today's run suuuuucked.
I actually walked for a few minutes during today's run. My legs were screaming at me to stop, so I listened. It's hard when you work all day on your feet dragging patients out of bed, etc. and then to have to go to the gym after work? That sounds like insanity to me. But even more insane is the thought of getting up at 4:30 to run. Yuck. That definitely doesn't sound appealing.
I have joined a weight loss challenge at my gym, too... hoping that will get me going in the right direction. The past couple of days have been pretty good. Just really trying to watch what I eat and not snack so much. Seems easy, right? Until you're at work and have a bazillion salty and sweet treats in front of you. People are always bringing something. But, that's a soapbox for another day. I did say no to the chocolates today. Pretty impressive, right?
I really need to start adding pictures to my blog but I don't know what pictures to add... I'm not losing weight fast enough to add skinny pictures, and who wants to see my sweaty self after a run? So not exciting.
Well, here's a picture from my New Year's Eve weekend... had a fun time filled with dancing and drinks. Two of my favorite things (guilty as charged).
Me and the hubster
Not the greatest picture, but... oh well. Jarrod always squints, and I look sweaty. End of story. Peace!