Well I guess there's no time like the present for your first blog post. I have attempted to keep blogs in the past but never really have done anything cool or interesting to blog about. What should your first blog post include? I suppose a little bit of background about me and why I'm writing this in the first place.
So, I'm 24 years old and in the best shape of my life. Now, I realize most people are in the best shape of their lives at age 24, but if you would have asked me this 2 years ago it was a drastically different story. 2 years ago I had just gotten married, and was at about the heaviest point in my entire life. Bummer, I know, to have to take your wedding pictures when you feel like a fat cow. Life went on for a few more months that way until....
I decided to do something.
I joined Weight Watchers at the end of December 2009. WW is nothing new to me. I had done this several times in my life, each time losing 20-30 pounds and then gaining it back, faster than I could buy new pants. So, I joined with very little gusto thinking, "here I go again..."
The pounds literally fell off. It was fun, and I was noticing changes in myself. So I kept going. And going... And here I am, today 91.8 pounds lighter and just under 11 pounds away from my goal weight. 150. A weight I have never known before (except maybe in middle school or elementary school!!)
Through this blog, I hope to share with you my strong days and weak days. I hope to inspire at least one person to make that change in his or her life and to keep it going that way. If I can do it, you can do it. Enjoy.
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